Please read prior to your test:
As part of the assessment of your bladder problems, I need to measure how fast you pass urine (maximum urinary flow rate). This involves you passing your urine into a special device which measures electronically how fast your urine is expelled. After you have emptied your bladder into the flow rate device, we normally use an ultrasound bladder scanner to see if your bladder has emptied fully. I will then have the flow rate available so I can assess the results.
How should I prepare for the test?
You should try to come to the clinic with your bladder comfortably full. If there is less than 150 ml (a quarter of a pint) in your bladder, the results of the test may not be satisfactory. If you find it difficult to hold on to your urine when your bladder is full, please inform the staff as soon as you arrive.
In this situation, limit the need to over-fill your bladder and risk leakage before you arrive; the staff can provide you with enough fluid to fill your bladder in the clinic.
What happens if my bladder is NOT full enough for the test?
If your bladder is not full enough, you may need to return later or on a different day to repeat the test. It is, therefore, Important that your bladder is “comfortably full” by the time you are ready to do the flow rate test. When you arrive for your test, please show this information leaflet to the receptionist or clinic nurse. They will arrange for the test to be done as soon as possible.